training fresh water fish: Fact or Fiction?

can you train fresh water fish to live in salt water enviroments? ive heard that it can be done with certain fishes yet can find no info on it.


In the Reef forum you asked about doing this with a pleco....sorry but the answer is still no. It would be nice if you could, because they sure would take care of any algae problem you might have, but the poor fish wouldn't last very long that way..........


I've heard that you could slowly acclimate guppies to saltwater.. someone on this board had claimed they had done it.


New Member
Ive done it wiht a beta, and my friend did it with mollies, i just very slowly added salt, i never got the beta to the exact saltanity level (it jumped out of the tank in the night and dried up) but it was just under 1.000 im sure he would of lived.


New Member
It can be done with mollies. I purchased 6 mollies to cycle my 55gal. Over an 8 hr period i slowly added water from my tank (1.023 sal.). After that i just placed them in my tank and used the to cycle it. Well its 2 months later, the cycle has been long completed and two of them had babies( 9 total). I have added several fish including a yellow tang and rarely are the mollies picked on. Soon i will be swaping them out at my LFS. It can be done at least with mollies. Good luck.


In my experience it can be done with black mollies and guppies. You can keep them even after your tank is ready for others. It's a good food source for your anamone and other fish as time passes.


we had a black molly in our tank, but the eel ate it. when we had the eel, he is also gone now, he escaped out the top of the tank :(


you only convert fish that like the brackish enviroment. like scats, mollies, target fish& malayan angels... :)


Hmm... after reading this, its got me wandering. You guys know of any SW fish that can be "trained" lol... to live in FW? :D