Transfer of Tank/New Tank - Any Sharks Avail?


I just transferred my 55 gal tank to a 44 gal corner tank. My readings are as follows nitrate 20, nitrite .25, ammonia .25, ph 8.2. I also added two bottles of fritz Zyme. From these readings it looks like the tank is trying to cycle again, Should I let it cyle, or do a immediate water change? Should I add more live rock, the live rock is going up the back about 40lbs, I hav a 4 1/2 sand bed from the orginal sand from the old tank and 18 lbs of Aragonite Reef sand I just added.I have corals and inverts in the tank and I'm afraid of letting the levels get to high. I need some answers really soon? (Any Sharks avail?)


Also I have a sump system set up, with no bio balls, skimmer, uv nd heater. The skimmer and uv were off last night to let the friz zyme work. Should I turn them back on?
Did you leave the lr and ls out of the water for a long period of time?
When you changed to a different tank did you also change filter?
Did you do a large water change?
Did you use most of the original water?
If you did all this but not use most of the original water I would say you are going through another cycle but I may be wrong.


I used most of the original water, plus gal of new salt water, I kept the filtration media and I did not leave the rock out long just put it in the tank immediately at transfer. I used most of the old sand as well. I have some sand left, should I had it too, or let it go? I don't want to lose my coral. The fish are in a 10 gal HT.
You now just because their statis is shark and they have a high # of posts doesn't mean they know everything and are the smartest.
A new person on this BB could have more time in the reef hobby behind them than a shark.
They are not the olny people who know something on the hobby.
Your tank is probably under shock. From stiring everything up like ditritus and other waste products.
Give it time and do about a 10 gallon water change, ony if someone else agrees with me. I do not want to give you false info.
Just curious, why did you down size?
Most people want a bigger tank.
[ September 09, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]


Active Member
If you used the LR and LS from an established tank everything should be fine unless there was a problem with the established tank or the LR and LS was left out of the water too long when doing the transfer.


Active Member
I recommend a 5gal water change, it should be okay in a few days.
BTW, sharks are elected not a post number upgrade.


Thank you everyone! I downsized my tank because the tank I had was taking up to much space. (Anybody want to buy a 55 flat back hex??)I did use my existing LR and some LS, I did however add some arogn. sand in the bottom and but my old sand on top. I'll test it again this evening. Thanks ;)

mr . salty

Active Member
I agree with SALIBURY,#1,Us sharks are not the only ones that know what's going on.And #2, This is probably just a quick "mini cycle"from stirring/disturbing the substrate and rock..It should pass quickly...Give it one or two days,,Then start to worry...


I did notice that my grogian (excuse spelling) is not opening up. Could it be in shock? Mushrooms & frogspawn is ok, inverts seem to be doing ok. My fish are in HT/quarn.


Hi everyone, I'm having problems again. The ammonia is rising on this transfer. I did a water change last night, Is there anything else I can do? I'm afraid I'm going to lose my star polyp, It hasn't opened in a week.


sounds like youre about to cycle. you can keep doing water changes to keep it down, but it will prolong the cycle time. do you have a QT you can put your delicate livestock in? how high is "on the rise"?