Transfering Sand


Iam going to be breaking down my 90 and would like to know if I could use the sand from the 90 or will disturbing the sandbed give off any bad stuff that has collected in the sand in the year its been up and cause problems in the new system? Thank you.


Active Member
Exactly right you can reuse it but watch your levels when setting your new system, because you did totally disturb the sand bed


You will probably see a mini cycle from disturbing the sand bed but yes you can use it. A mini cycle is still better than going through the whole process again.


I guess I should play it safe and just buy new sand and seed it with a couple of cups of the old sand. I cant see having any type of mini cycle when I am putting 50# of 1 year old live rock in a 29 long and 20 long sump/fuge. Does any body disagree with that and ifso please explain. Thanks.