Translation on specs...

I just ran a series of water quality tests...could someone give me an idea as to where my tank is and if its or is not in good shape..cheers
Salinity 1.024 ppt (i know thats good)
Temp: 78 degrees (i know thats good)
Ammonia: 1.0 ppm
Alkalinity : Low-> Normal
Ph- 8.2
Nitrate: 10 ppm
Nitrite: .05 ppm
Cheers again for your help.


your ammonia should be at 0. everything else seems fine. try to get your nitrite as low as possible.


Active Member
If this is a cycling tank with no inhabitants, then it looks about right.
If there are fish or other creatures in there, then your amm. and nitrites should both be zero.
i expect my ammonia to be high because i believe my tank isn't completed cycling. Its been running for 3 weeks. Its stocked with 12 lb of LR and argonite (sp?) gravel... 4 shaving brush plants and .....a couple of critters :-/ Thanks for the help.
Any suggestion about lowering ammonia and nitrite...or just wait the cycle. I believe i have to ride out the cycle.


Active Member
I agree with Karajay. Also just so you know, salinity should be about 35 ppt, what you gave was a specific gravity reading and temperature plays apart in that reading.


Active Member
1.024 is fine...Nitrites and Ammonia have to be 0.
Depending on what type of tank you are aiming on will need a better alk will need numbers for a reef setup...