transportation of fish


my lfs is not very good fish man in spriengfield il or at least really high
so i was wondering how far could i transport fish an hour 2 hour with a battery air pumps


Active Member
No problem. I transported several fish inverts and live rock 4 plus hours from seattle to vancouver. not one death and no pumps.


Your biggest problem this time of year is a temperature drop. The pumps will be fine for aerating oxygen, but you need to keep them warm. Can you get some heat packs locally to use? Does the Champaign store have oxygen it can use to fill the bags, then pack in heat packs and put the whole thing in an insulated container?


ok i will get heat packs i don't know if the store has oxygen to put in there i also have an isulated box to use


Active Member
If you are going to an LFS, just let them know you have a couple hour drive and they will back with a bit more O2 in a larger bag...though typically most LFS standard bagging will easily give you several hours. Bring a cooler (or ask for a styro box at the store) and you will be fine.