Transporting fish?


i just bought my first saltwater set up with fish from a friend and need to transport it to my house. He had told me that after i fill the tank up and let the filter run for a day i can put the fish back in it. Is this correct or will i kill the fish??????? If not what is the best way to transport a fish only tank? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


New Member
I am assuming this is same tank fish are in now if you do not have far to go keep the filter running as long as possible , save as much water and substrate as possible,set it up and let things settle,(test it) bio. filter should be fine. put fish back

nm reef

Active Member
I have broke down and relocated numerous marine systems in a day....many times with coral...invertes as well as fish. If care is taken it can be done with little to no serious problems. if there is sand try not to disturb it too all the water that you can......make out a plan and move everything as quickly as possible with as little disruption as possible.

The last system I moved as a sweet little 29 gal fish only that was established for just over a year....moved it in less than three hours start to finish with no problems and no livestock loss.