Transporting LR?


ok so i found 100#'s of LR used from a friend who lives about an hour away. its a great price $2.50 per pound pre-cured(+5 years). now my question is
how long can the live rock be out of the tank wrapped in paper towels(keep it moist) last?
i would like to just put it in a DT that has been up for over a year and not really worry about killing fish. i would like to be able to just unwrap and place in the tank.
i would like to try and skip the who process of having to place in a container just so i know that its safe.
can it be done saftly?


You may have some die off but it shouldn't be a lot. If it were my tank, I wouldn't just add it in. Have a tub ready at home to put the rock in. If you don't want to do that then have a good amount of water ready for a change, should it spike. It wouldn't hurt to have some Amquel plus on hand as well.

aztec reef

Active Member
100lbs is alot of rock to add at once..However, your spike would be minimal being that the lr is cured and only an hour away.
It can be done..
Whenever you get the lr, right before u put the lr in DT i would do a partial waterchange of DT's water...Save that water, as it will be used to rinse the newly arrived lr.. what you got to do is put the lr in the dt's siphoned saltwater with powerheads..This will rinse-out most decayed substances on lr..(do this for a half of a day or a few hours).
All u have to do now is place the rinsed lr in DT..
Wait 24hrs(monitoring Ammonia in DT at all times), then do a larger-than -usual waterchange. Depending on amount of spike triggered.
Whatever you do:
The idea is to Not let Ammonia climb higher than .25ppm-1ppm in DT, once all lr is iN.. Dillution via waterchanges will be your focus.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Your tank is up for over a year why rush now? Transfer the rock from your friend’s tank to yours in 5g buckets of tank water do the cleaning of the rock as suggested above put 25% in your DT monitor your tank. The next day check for ammonia in the buckets holding the rest of the rock. If all looks good add another 25% and so on