trates=popeye skimmer+better wtr quality =no more popeye?


Active Member
in my tank there is a fish with a small case of popeye. i just bought a skimmer yesterday and the water quality is getting better will this make the fish' seye get better it is a little swollen and a little clouded although i can still the color of the eye. it h as been there for a bout a week with no skimmer and now i have bought one. i wiil continue with the garlic on my frozen food(prime reef ,mix of meaty foods)
will this do the trick and how long
btw the nitrates should be gone


Staff member
What are your water readings? A skimmer is always a plus. However, if you have immediate problem, do some water changes with pre-aged water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
What are your water readings? A skimmer is always a plus. However, if you have immediate problem, do some water changes with pre-aged water.
i have always been cautous about buying a test kit they have said down the road when it becomes mature but for now get the readings for free the problem as you know from previous posts has been around since sunday. today is wednesday. it get worse then better wothin the day from 7 to 3. its wierd.
i have saltwater that has been sitting since monday bbut it has no agitation but it has a heater,,, it is starting to smell bad lol so i mix it but there are still some grains of salt.
BTW have you heard of RO salt instead of using ro water it makes it through the salt?


Staff member
Please don't go by what someone else says about readings. Get your own test kits and learn to use them. Selifert makes good kits.
You must have water movement to ensure that salt is thoroughly mixed. If marine animals are exposed to salt water that has not been throughly mixed, it can have serious physical ramifications on their delicate membrane tissues. Us a powerhead to mix for at least 2 days, before adding new water to the tank.


Evidently all those reasons listed is why you were in such a hurry to buy a skimmer right matter what........Lets just say, spending a heap of money on anything is still not a viable waya of shirking ones responsibility to maintain a system with proper parameters. If your sayin you still have yet to purchase test kits, I just do not see you making it this far in this hobby as throwing money at things we allow to go array is not the way its done. Never have I ever heard of buy a skimmer and cure popeye! Or skip tests or get them for free.......


Staff member
I find that a tad harsh, GSD. People come to the Disease Forum looking for help, usually in an emergency. Give advise without preaching, please.


Well I find your reply biased Beth.........A skimmer is a not a cureall for lack of responsibility on maintaining proper water parameters, now is it or a substitute to shrug doing water tests. Technology may buy lots of stuff but it can't buy good old fashioned common sense and responsibility, no matter how much money is thrown at it.


GSD, Bill is new and has already come a long way in his understanding of how to keep healthy fish. He is trying and there is no reason to slam him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
GSD, Bill is new and has already come a long way in his understanding of how to keep healthy fish. He is trying and there is no reason to slam him.
thank you sepulation..
wel im sorry if my lfs dosent give accurate informatiion! i was tols he was stressed then his immune system has gone down and the bacteria that wasnt skimmed out attacked it and creating the infection.. but i try my hardest in this hobby and try to relie on the lfs this guy has 3 sw tanks in his house so i assume he know what he is doing and has a green house with sharks and rays i think is in it that is filled with about 1000 corals.!!! that to me sound successful dont you think. also he runs a sucessful lfs kepping fish happy and healthy in his show tanks so he said whatever he did he would reccomned for me.


Active Member
BTW is it a good that my collection cup in my remora c urchin pro with a 1400 rio + is collecting almost 3/4- to a 1/2 a cup and the water isnt that dirty but has pieces of waste in it from 4pm- 10pm ?


No the waste needs to collect in the cup between 11pm and 6 am for it to make popeye go away! duh!


Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
No the waste needs to collect in the cup between 11pm and 6 am for it to make popeye go away! duh!
thanx for the sarcasm
what goes away first the cloudieness or the eye socket size
come on GSD im new at this.


Originally Posted by bill109
thank you sepulation..
wel im sorry if my lfs dosent give accurate informatiion! i was tols he was stressed then his immune system has gone down and the bacteria that wasnt skimmed out attacked it and creating the infection.. but i try my hardest in this hobby and try to relie on the lfs this guy has 3 sw tanks in his house so i assume he know what he is doing and has a green house with sharks and rays i think is in it that is filled with about 1000 corals.!!! that to me sound successful dont you think. also he runs a sucessful lfs kepping fish happy and healthy in his show tanks so he said whatever he did he would reccomned for me.

I am with GSD (I think you need some defending) on this one. Bill, you were told by people in your OTHER post that a skimmer is not going to cure this problem, so using the excuse that the LSF gave you the wrong information is a total cop-out. You come on here asking questions and then do whatever you want, which is your perogative--it is a free country--you have moved up and down the list trying to get new people to listen to your.....well I don't know what, but it's lame. SERIOUSLY, I would really like to know how old you are, I am thinking maybe 14 or 15. You don't listen to the advice and then get others yelled out because you did not tell the truth about the other posts that were already answered. AND then, you try to use the LSF as an excuse. It's pathetic.
The people on here know what they are doing, and you stepping on them. You keep saying the LFS told me......but everyone on this list told you from the beginning, when you asked about buying the skimmer. Did you buy this from the LFS. Because someone's advise was to get the skimmer online where it is much cheaper. Now, I know you have lots of money, so do what people asked you to and buy a test kit.


I know I may come off sounding like a

butt posts with questions that keep getting asked over and over and reworded and rephrased to suit only the answers the poster wants to hear gets darn old fast. Bill has close to 500 posts and yet he asks such stupid questions that I am sure if he read this or any other forum would have been answered already in plain english and fully understandable, so with Bills history of close to 500 posts I can assume he only is interested in reply anfter reply on his posts to get it worded right to fit what his original intentions were to begin with.......Bill doea not want help he wants the answer to what he has already determined to be correct. I suggest he go back to his LFS and setup a bedroll in the store and campout. Seems his LFS and him think along the same lines and nothing anyone here is gonna say that is going to make a difference with him anyhow.......I just do not understand how anyone can make as many posts and yet still be asking basic stuff that should have been answered initally around post 3 or 4 perhaps!
And I would most certainly be one surprised idiot if Bill indeed did now have test kits........wanna bet on this? ***) I bet a cup of coffee
he is still without a test kit...
or a power head
to agitate that container of saltwater he says is starting to smell..... :help:
Bye Bill!


Staff member
The question is, why do people find the need to get involved in topics that so obviously irritates them.
I suggest that you leave the attitude at the keyboard [before you start typing on this forum]. Just because you have experience in this hobby, does not give you license to be a know-it-all, or to be judgmental or arrogant. A quick review of posts you have made in just the past few days says volumes, GDS.
At the end of the day, no one really wins much of anything at someone else's expense.


Active Member
why dont you tihnk that i have them?
wel anyways im sorry for the posts but im impatient when i comes time for answers, but when i have aproblem like with a fish i tend to post alot and use this as a see if i get the same answer from 2 sources
i know that they know what they are doing but i like to listen to th lfs and do what they say with some input from here ,you guys allways say diff from the lfs so i post alot getting some differnet inputs from a bunch of ppl. im sorry if i ask a bunch of questions but that is who i am and that cant change too much i didnt mean to get them yelled at by anymeans and im sorry but if you dont mind please dont post on my threads if you dont like them or see them. please dont make others flamed if it is avoidable. i want the best for my fish.
if you are going to yell at me for what i do its quite simple i wont post here anymore but find a new fourm. i dont liike the idea but am willing to.
i am trying to do what ohters say and i have bee so im not sure what you are talking about by not following BTW i dont think that this should be happening.. well this is for the fish not to yell at others for doing wrong cus they are new. and if this makes you stop asking my age im only15 and everything is self funnned.. all 800 and some odd dollares. i have 2 tanks set up so some money went to the fw


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Forget about GDS, Bill.
What else can we help you with?
nothing i dont think.. if i can think of something ill be sure to post it.. if i havent postd it yet


Originally Posted by Beth
Forget about GDS, Bill.
What else can we help you with?

Like I said Beth, your BIASED. Plain and simple.
As for Bill if he can;'t follow simple requests or instructions he is doomed. And whose opinion is it any how no one but yours as to what my posts contents contain....and I will post or reply to any post that strikes my fancey,.so either ban me or get over it, your not helping the situation either now are you miss Bias or I mean Beth. My posts are on topic, my tone of voice may not be, but thats usually not a problem except for those that are insecure in their replies and posts. May I suggest if ya all do not want to read my posts then invoke the darn IGNORE feature.........or else ban me or pay em no attention.......Oh,m and as of yet no one has helped mr. Bill with a darn thing best I can tell........perhaps another couple of hundred bucks in high tech stuff will cure his inability to follow instructions or recomendations and not play folks against each other.


Originally Posted by GSD
Like I said Beth, your BIASED. Plain and simple.
As for Bill if he can;'t follow simple requests or instructions he is doomed. And whose opinion is it any how no one but yours as to what my posts contents contain....and I will post or reply to any post that strikes my fancey,.so either ban me or get over it, your not helping the situation either now are you miss Bias or I mean Beth. My posts are on topic, my tone of voice may not be, but thats usually not a problem except for those that are insecure in their replies and posts. May I suggest if ya all do not want to read my posts then invoke the darn IGNORE feature.........or else ban me or pay em no attention.......Oh,m and as of yet no one has helped mr. Bill with a darn thing best I can tell........perhaps another couple of hundred bucks in high tech stuff will cure his inability to follow instructions or recomendations and not play folks against each other.
GSD, your negative attitude has no place on this forum. Don't be surprised when you get kicked off.