trates=popeye skimmer+better wtr quality =no more popeye?


I don't think its my attitude as much as a few folks not likeing what is said which has nothing to do with attitude one bit now does it. ban me who the heck cares I sure don't. Ya all hear something yuou do not like the first thing is you ban them so you can all be control freaks. Its not what I post face it.....I am on topic, more so than some mods and other folks are...I for one am not gonn a hold peoples hands and treat em with kid gloves when they don;t get the answer they want to hear....And my observation is what it was before. Beth is biased plain and simple..........but hurry up ban me so you can keep control nice and neat and MODERATED as to what you want to hear not what the facts are.


Originally Posted by bill109
in my tank there is a fish with a small case of popeye. i just bought a skimmer yesterday and the water quality is getting better will this make the fish' seye get better it is a little swollen and a little clouded although i can still the color of the eye. it h as been there for a bout a week with no skimmer and now i have bought one. i wiil continue with the garlic on my frozen food(prime reef ,mix of meaty foods)
will this do the trick and how long
btw the nitrates should be gone
GSD, exactly what part of Bill's post to you find so offensive? I personally told him that to clear pop eye he should maintain optimal water quality and make sure his fish get proper nutrition which is exactly what he is trying to do. Perhaps you just need an outlet for your anger and we are all you have. I hope Bill doesn't take anything you have said too personally.


Active Member
im not meaning to flame anyone since this is a great forum site to me cus im new about fish and maintaing them. but when there is something wrong with a fish.. i tend to get nervouc look for the most possible amount of answers


Hey Sepu whatever.BITE MY F'ing ASS right after BETH finishes bitting it. Y'all can have this highly controlled and regulated forum and shove it. I simply do not need it as much as some here evidently do!


Originally Posted by GSD
Hey Sepu whatever.BITE MY F'ing ASS right after BETH finishes bitting it. Y'all can have this highly controlled and regulated forum and shove it. I simply do not need it as much as some here evidently do!
And yet you are still on here reading and posting :thinking:


Originally Posted by bill109
im not meaning to flame anyone since this is a great forum site to me cus im new about fish and maintaing them. but when there is something wrong with a fish.. i tend to get nervouc look for the most possible amount of answers
Don't wory about it bill, you are entitled and encouraged to ask anything you want


Originally Posted by sepulatian
And yet you are still on here reading and posting :thinking:

So your antagonistic posts and replies are to be acceptable yet my posts with my so called attitude are not. Get freaking real dweeb...I am waiting to be me, ban the hell out of me ya sheep! Evidently ya must mniss me since ya seem to have a dire need to follow what I do jerk! I copy pasted a bunmch of this crap to another forum and were all having a laugh, so thanks for making qute a few folks day!......
I retiurn you all to your group of regulators ! ***) :