treated tanks


Active Member
Some medications for fish have copper in them... so my guess is that some lfs "accidentally" introduce copper into their tanks simply because they are trying to cure their fish of some disease/parasite.

nm reef

Active Member
I have seen fish arrive at the LFS in bags with what looks like medicated most LFS's will treat all of their stock tanks to prevent disease/parasite problems before the fish are sold. So I'd say it is very likely that any water from stock tanks will possibly have traces of copper. It is a good policy to never put any LFS water into your system. You just never know for sure what the risk is.:cool:
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I know a lot of LFS have the live rock, inverts, and reef tanks on seperate filtration from the fish only tanks. One store told me they were set -up that way so they could run copper in the fish only tanks.
So... probably a good bet that there is copper or other meds in the water.


Active Member
One LFS out here has a sign posted that all fish and inverts are treated with copper then tehy crossed out inverts and now they have a new sign ..... pretty funny


Active Member
at my shop we do treat the fish only tanks with copper but only when signs of ilness appear, other than that we dont medicate our reef systems, which also house fish, if we have a problem with a fish we move it out and quarentine it in one of the tanks with copper or other meds.....i also agree that its not a good idea to add lfs water into your tank....its jsut a disaster waiting to happen!
good luck


Active Member
right...and we only use copper when we need to quarentine a fish and then that whole tank is out of order and we wont sell any livestock from it!
good luck