treating a fish....


New Member
I got a question about treating a fish for disease. I know there is a professional type of treatment but where do you get it? Say I was wanting to treat a fish I got from the coast, what would I treat it with? I know you can use copper when treating a wild fish but what would be a professional treatment that wholesellers use when getting fish from overseas?


Staff member
tru, treating fish is the same as treating any animal. You have to know what the problem is and target the treatment specifically for that problem.
Are you having a problem with your fish?


New Member
I thought I explained myself good above.. I said whats a good treatment for wild saltwater fish. When you goto the beach and catch a fish you dont just throw it in a tank you need to treat it. Right when when I bring fish home from the coast I treat them with copper but what I was wanting to know is what do the wholesellers use on there fish when they get them in before they start selling to retailers.


Active Member
Read up on the particular kind of fish, and see what they're most suceptable to. If a particular disease is really common, you can pick up the specific preventative for it. In general, unless the fish is unhealthy, the weeks in QT are all you need.


Staff member
As I said, you don't treat fish, unless you can ID a problem. Once you ID the problem, then you use the treatment that best addresses the problem. There is no one or 2 or 3 methods to treat fish.
No, you don't just throw them in the tank. You have to put them in a Quarantine Tank to assess their health and treat as necessary. Only as necessary.