treating for ick- noticed


New Member
Am treating my tang and butterfly in qt for ick. Using Hypo method, which is working great so much so that one of my fish was basically dead until I used this method. My LFS said to do dips and had no idea about the Hypo method.
Just noticed that my butterfly has developed some thorny spiny white nodgels on his body. Any idea what this could be and how do I treat?:eek:


Staff member
If it is a swing arm hydrometer, that simply will not do it for the precision required for hyposalinity. I strongly suggest getting a refractormeter. Otherwise, get a good quality glass hydrometer.


New Member
i am using a glass hydrometer and the salinity is 1.009
could the cysts on the fish be the last stage of the ich. They are not falling off . do they stay on the fish or overtime will they fall off?
please advise


Staff member
Yes, individual parasite can enlarge. Are they just a tad bigger than then the other parasities? How long have the fish been in hypo conditions?


Staff member
How have you accomodated the butterfly's special eating habbits in the QT? Butterflys need little holes and crevis to needle in to to feed. If they don't have this, they could damage their mouth area by trying to peck at other things not designed for their horn shaped mouths. There is a butterfly feeding grid that can be used when butterflys don't have LR to dig in to.