Treating Ich in a reef tank


New Member
I have some fish showing signs of Ick so I'm setting up a hyposalanic QT tank to treat them.
How do I treat the display tank (which has LR and invertebrates) so the infection doesn't re- occur,


New Member
Will the ick die or just go dormant? IOW will the problem return after I put fish back in the display tank?


It'll die. Ich is dependant upon fish to survive. As it progresses through it's lifecycle there won't anything for it to feed it'll die out. Just be patient and it'll be gone.


Here's another testimonial for what DOES work in a reef tank!!
There's been an ongoing debate regarding any product that actually does work to kill ick in a reef tank.... I had ick break out and I tried a couple of products with no results, then I tried catching the fish and quarantining them, (what an ordeal and I couldnt catch one of them even after tearing the whole thing apart)
SO.. I decided to order and try the one product the debate was about... Chem Marine Stop Parasite.... well guess what? It came in Monday and I started using it and here it is Thursday and the ick is almost completely gone already! It really does work!!!
Give it a try!!


New Member
I've read the debate on Stop Parasite and noted that it seems to make the ick go away on the fish but AFAIK doesn't remove the ick in the tank. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Do any of the major Pet Stores carry this product?