Here is a pic of my new sponges. They look good now but I am afraid they won't make it. SO and friend went against my advise and removed from tank and did not put them in a bag of water first, so they were exposed to the air. Maybe next time they will listen to me and this board.
No white spots, yet. He had a few more pieces but they are not this nice. Will they come back if they start to look bad? Can you cut the bad parts off?
if they were exposed for only a second- they will probably still make it- i have had spondes come out of the water for a moment with no ill effects- i think only if the water runs out and air takes its place would you have to worry- i have also gotten rid of air in a couple of sponges by gently shaking them underwater- i know this might not sound safe but i have done it several times- you can gently-GENTLY squezt places to get air out and avoid permanant damage- if you squeze too hard toy will see a bright orange liquid come out of the sponge- but like i said if they were only exposed for a second- they are not completely gone- and if you notice dieoff- you can cut off the dead parts and it will eventually regrow
He will be very happy to hear that. I tried to be careful when I put them in the tank. Any idea on how long it would take for them to show signs that they were exposed too long?