trick for getting fish outta tank


how the hell do u guys get fish outta your tanks!?!?? i sat here for an hour trynig to get my rusty angel, whos big fat n slow out, i couldnt, so i cant even imagine trying to get my 2 PJ cardinals!!! is there a trick??
i want to take them to my LFS and trade em.


LOL pateince and sometimes not always a fish trap I never had luck with them though. you can also try 2 different people with nets sometimes you can flush them to another area and the second person is able to get them .
The only way I can get some fish out of my tanks is to take the rock out of the tank to get them not easy though.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
LOL pateince and sometimes not always a fish trap I never had luck with them though. you can also try 2 different people with nets sometimes you can flush them to another area and the second person is able to get them .
The only way I can get some fish out of my tanks is to take the rock out of the tank to get them not easy though.

aww man, i really dont wanna take the rock out!!!! they should make sleeping powder t put fishes to sleep temporatily, lol. all i have is a crappy little net!


Active Member
2 arms, 2 nets--works like a charm.
.....and don't skimp buy a bigger net than you think you'll need.


yeah its not fun alot of time the net thing works though but some fish are just way to smart. I have a 100 gallon now that I have been trying to get a chiclid out for several weeks he lodges himself into a decoration somewhere and disapears as soon as it sees the net coming towards the tank.


Active Member
Ya I'd rather do this
for an hour than net a fish out of a tank with rock and corals.


Active Member
PJ's ought to be fairly easy. Try a damsel or some of the other ones like chalk Basslet or spooked fire fish...especially when you have a heap of live rock with a ton of bolt holes and caves etc.
I spent hours on end one time trying to get a blue devil damsel out of a 2 gal pico that had some nice caves in it and I wsa bound and determined I was not going to take out the live rock to do it. I eventually stuffed black sponge foam rubber in the bolt holes and used it to block caves, etc and the game was in my favor then. That was in a 2 gal pico. I can just imagine it in a 90 gal or so with a ton of live rock.


Active Member
If you turn the heater way up and bring the temperature to about 95-100 degrees, the fish will float right up to the surface and you can scoop them out.
(Kidding, don't do that)


Active Member
In freshwater fishkeeping I use Clove oil to knock out fish so they can be scraped and scoped. It was mainly done on Koi and GF but I have also do9ne it with other tropicals. I wonder if it would work with saltwater fish. I do not see any reason it would not work, as long as the clove oil mixes ok with saltwater. To reverse effect just immerse fish in water that is free of clove oil and in a few minutes fish is back to normal, or throw in a dose of activated charcoal which takes a bnit longer to shake em out of the stupor they get in.


Originally Posted by Darknes
If you turn the heater way up and bring the temperature to about 95-100 degrees, the fish will float right up to the surface and you can scoop them out.
(Kidding, don't do that)

LMAO that is so not funny that tonight i actually find humor in it Nice one
now as to posters question. time patience and big nets. leave a net in the tank without touching it for a day or two. or feed the fish with the net they will get used to it and come right over to get food.
if fish eats algae strips feed from the net with the algae strip attached to the net.
Caution please make sure to check the net often for unsuspecting fish this can cause accidental damges to them if you are not careful
and please make sure you do not pull net out with little tiny fish stuck in it i wondered where my chromi went for a week until i needed the net again and found him dried up inside of it.


Active Member
i can get anything out.... use a net to scare him into a corner where you hold a pithcer in the other hand, you can "scare" him in there and scoop him right up, i've caught tangs this way, all under 10 min..... u can also trap them against the glass and in the pitcher, just becareful u don't hurt the fish