"trick of the trade"

salty rick

Snails, hermit crabs and a fish like a tank or lawnmower blenny. When I first set up my tank many yeras ago, my tank got covered on the glass and rock with hair algae. When I got a full compliment of reef janitors and a tang they took care of the algae.
(I will probably have the Tang Police after me for suggesting a tang, particularly if involves a less than a cajillion gallon tank):D :D :D

salty rick

wats a fish like a tank???...jk i no it means tank (i think?)
When I said "tank" i meant the rectangular thing that the water, fish, LR and corals are put in. When I said "tang", that is a type of fish that eats algae. SOme this type are called Yellow Tang, Naso Tang, Powder tang, etc.