Tricks to pairing a Banggai?


Hello all -
One of my personal goals is to get my fish to breed. My clowns are being stubborn, so I'm thinking my Banggai has a better chance. Last summer, I got 2 baby Banggai from someone in my reef club whose cardinals had produced....I introduced them to my tank and all was well. They hung out together for a few weeks, then took up separate residence on opposite ends of the tank. I surmised I had 2 of the same gender.
Everything was just fine until February, when I decided to add another banggai in hopes I could form a pair. Within 48 hours one of the original Banggai killed the newcomer followed by its sibling in short order. Since then, he/she has killed every Banggai I've tried to add to the tank (3). What can I say, I am stubborn.
Anyone have any tips? I realize I have a 50/50 chance of getting the gender right, but it seems like my odds are worse than that. Could this be Just plain aggression, and it would help to remove the established Banngai and re-introduce at the same time as the next new one? - I really only want to do this if it has a reasonable chance of making a difference, I am NOT looking forward to trying to catch that fish......

Any opinions/comments, etc would be appreciated.

bang guy

I definately remove the agressive Banggai and try again.
They are very easy to catch:
At night turn off all lights in the room so the tank is pitch black. After a few hours turn on every light in the tank. The Banggai will be asleep for about 30 seconds so be ready with a container to catch him in. They typically sleep in the open next to a rock.


Okay, that method of capture at least sounds do-able....
Once he's out, do I keep him out for a while, say a week or more, and then re-introduce him at the same time as the new fish?
Oh, and someone told me the females are more aggressive than the males, would you agree? I'm wondering if there is any way to determine what gender this fish is. Then again, it probably doesn't matter because I can't tell the gender of any new fish....
Thanks for the help.

bang guy

I would suggest giving that Banggai away and get 2 new Banggai.
Males are far more agressive toward other males but a Female will protect a male that is carrying eggs very agressively.


Ugh. So NOT the answer I was hoping to hear.
But given my record with pairing, you're probably right.
Then again, I have a second tank, so instead of catching and putting "mean Spike" in the smaller tank, maybe I'll just put the new guys in there to see what develops.
Thanks, I think I now have a plan!


Active Member
The easiest way I have ever seen to pair off bangaii are to throw like 6 in a tank and wait. chances are good a pair will form and dominate the tank. forcing the other ones into hiding.