trigger and porc question


Ok so since my shark died i got a small porc puffer and a small niger trigger. When i brought home the niger i noticed he had a small scar on his chin. And i been waiting to get a good picture to post it. So here it is..What do ya think? He is eating fine. i fed him the day after i got him and he was eating frozen plankton like crazy...He seems healthy except for that mark, is it something to worry about?? or will it heal??And for the porc puffer...the guy in the store said to get the frozen plankton for it so i did, and he ate one small piece yestarday and that was it. I just tried to feed him again now and he didnt eat a thing...but he seems hungry cause he will pick up dark pieces of sand or shells on the bottom and spit them out when he realizes it isnt food? Any ideas on what this will eat?
heres the triggger and thanks again


oh and the streaks are because i washed the glass last night and i didnt dry it(dont make fun of me too much)


yes they are they are all around 3 inches long, they will be fine for a while in there, and in like 3 months im getting a 125gal. So can someone please answer the questions and keep the tank size criticism to a minimum. thank you


see what i mean, and people tell me im wrong about some of the so called experts, and if it is cause u dont think im getting a 125 then ur wrong, that is the minimum size im getting,,money is not an issue at all for the tank it is a matter of free time to set it up. Im a full time student and work full time as a commodities trader.


Active Member
Fine I will chime in on this one..... Ive never seen a aggresive fish eat plankton but thats me, just try Frozen Mysid shrimp soaked in garlic and a little zoecon. If that dosent work you can try some live brine to entice them but wean them back onto frozen food. Also Garlic will help keep some parasites away :)
yeah... feeding zooplankton to a puffer is like feeding romain lettuce to a great white shark...
ok so its not but anyways...
I feed my puffer a variety of frozen squid, krill, clams, silversides and grocery store bougt shrimp. I also reccomend zoecon. I would feed teh same diet to your trigger as well. HTH


New Member
for the puffer you can put snails in the tank and he will eat those or you can also feed him dried shrimp in a can or even ghost shrimp....they love all of them


I second what reefer said. Stay away from the plankton... Go krill, maybe add some garlic to entice appetite.


Active Member
In my experience, my porky will only eat shrimp like food. Example being krill, prawn, grocery store shrimp, etc. He spits out silversides and anything else.

lions n nd

canned oysters/ fresh oysters cracked
squid chopped
canned shrimp/ fresh shrimp / frozen shrimp
brine shrimp
blood worms
black worms
soak in vitamines
ghost shrimp (expensive)
worst comes to worst try live goldfish/minnows/roseyreds


hey my lfs said that puffers favorite foods are live blood worms or anything like that


Don't do blood worms. If the pork is little, try mussels, clams, mysis etc.

tony detroit

Active Member
Cdubbs-if you can find any large stores in your area, some usually will breed ghost shrimp, they are good for first time finicky feeders, especially sharks and rays, your puffer and trigger will probably eat em up too.