Trigger and puffer need new home St. Louis


I am holding 2 fish for my firend who is buying a established reef tank. He has a blue lined trigger about 5 inches long. The puffer is from what i can tell a yellow leopard puffer about 3 inches long. I am going to be using my tank as a reef tank so i dont want these 2 for very long. Looking to not ship so if anyone is interested email me at for more info, resonable offers accepted.


well as of now they belong to me, but "technically there still his" He knew i was on this website and i have had my tank for a few weeks now with nothing in it, so he wanted me to put the word out and hold them. He is buying a tank from somebody that has everything all included and ready to go inculding fish, corals anemones shrimp LR LS, so he couldnt have MR. Trigger and puffer any longer he had to get rid of his old tank not enough room for both tanks in his house. Prabably be willing to give these 2 away for practically nothing if someone come and get em, the fish store we mainly deal with wouldnt really give him any credit they would just give em away so we could do the same thing so if anyone is intereseted... please email. Im not looking to travel very far but am willing to do a little bit of driving (less than 1 hr). St. Louis area