Trigger compatability?


Active Member
nice post by Ed, he covered mostly everything there. tank size plays a big deal. if your trigger is in a smaller tank, more than likely he will be much meaner than if he was in a larger tank. I would advise against tangs and angels w/ triggers. triggers will degrade the water quality with their feeding habits and these fish need pristine water conditions. they can also bully them, and you wouldnt want an ich outbreak in your tank. bo


It also will depend on if it's definitely going to be a picasso trigger or not.
If it's a titan, undulate, queen, or blueline, then nothing will be able to go in the tank with it. They'll destroy anything else when they get bigger, including lions and sharks.


I swear my Picasso and Yellow Tang are in love,Hasn't been one ounce of aggression.
Tankmates are Picasso trigger,Yellow Tang,Snowflake Eel,3 Blue Devil damsels.
Only aggression in tank is the Damsels sometimes play tag :D
damsels,other triggers,groupers,eels(in a large tank),tangs and cleaner wrasse,occasionally clowns(prefferably marroons there more aggresive)


New Member
I have a picasso trigger, clown trigger, sailfin tang, porcupine puffer, and a snowflake eel in a 100 gallon -- all get along just fine. Had them together for over two years.