trigger compatibility


i'm deciding how to stock my new tank & i decided to check out what i could have with an aggressive setup. i tried to start by seeing what was compatible with a trigger. however, not a single fish on the chart got a 'yes' with triggers. there were a lot that said 'caution' so how do i know what will work? what kind of variety could i have with an aggressive setup? i'd like a good bit of color (with the exception of a couple of neat ones that bring something else to the tank) and nothing real difficult to keep. i have a 125 gal (with a 55 sump)? thanks!


The more peaceful triggers as follow
Any other triggers are best left alone


Active Member
Humu Humu Triggers are definitely not the most peaceful triggers. They would be third on that list. Nigers and blue throats are a lot more peaceful than humu's.
For other tank mates, you could try a grouper, a puffer, a larger wrasse, an eel, and maybe a larger tang (something like a Sohol has the aggression to hang with the options above).
The only thing you want to stray away from is a lionfish. Triggers will rip a lionfish apart.


Actually, i did not list them in order. I have a pinktail that kinda just gives no care about anything. It is kept with a blue-head wrasse, a yellow tang, and a snowflake eel. It got along with a cb butterfly until it died 4 1/2 hours after being added. I would trust triggers with lions but thats just my opinion but there are some that will shred their fins. Defenetly not a shoal tang with a trigger. They attack triggers and parrots in the wild and i am serious.



Originally posted by lion_crazz
The only thing you want to stray away from is a lionfish. Triggers will rip a lionfish apart.

This may be non typical results but i housed a volatian lion and a humma humma togeather for well over 2 years and never had a problem except my inverts didn't last long but they got along very fine
funny thing was the trigger was like a pet he would come to the top put his trigger up and turn to the side so i could pet the top of him he loved it he was really cool


Active Member
Well, there are exceptions to every rule! :D
And, nickfish, I didn't mean to jump down your throat. I thought you were sayin em in order.


Oh, i wasnt offended or anything. Anyway, my pinktail is pretty docile but it is territorial twards my wrasse but my yellow tang messes with my trigger.