I have lived in the tropics (Pacific) more than once and of all marine fish, I have found triggers to be the most interesting and sometimes (depending upon the species) the most beautiful. They say, and it is true, that if you want a fish that acts like a dog and is, as such, a true "pet" then triggers are for you. I have kept several kinds individually and once kept and 88 gal trigger fish only (plus one clown - false percula). I had a niger, clown, blue jaw and picasso all at one time. The blue jaw was by far the most timid. His days were numbered from the minute I put them in together with one another. He was picked on mercilessly and died after just a few days .... mince meat. The niger as no toughy either... though he did survive. The toughest was the clown trigger HOWEVER the real "bad _ss" by far was the false percula clown .... he was one tenth the size of the triggers but no body messed with him at all. They all swam around him. If they got too close he would turn and face them, threaten them and then THEY would swim away. Nemo is a tough little fish. He never pestered them either though. Well, in closing, I would say that you should never put a blue jaw or a pink tail in with a Picaso, clown, undulated or queen.... they just can't compete. Triggers are like wolves ... the weaklings get figured out, picked on and then killed!