Trigger Fish Advice


New Member
I have just recently got back into the hobby and inherited a Tru View 55 gallon Hex tank. I had a professional service come in and set up the tank with live sand and live rock, I have a truaqua CF500 running it and I just stocked the tank with very small fish. I have a 1 inch Huma Trgger, 1 1/2 inch Niger Trigger, a 2 inch blue hippo as well as a baby 8 inch snowflake eel.
Now I know all of these fish (except for maybe the eel) will outgrow the tank and I will have to trade them in at some point... Does anyone know when or what size i should remove them from the tank.


Well-Known Member
About 3-4" each. Triggers need a lot of swimming room. I hope you have room for a much larger tank in the future.


Not to Hijack the htread but how long will it take for lets say a huma trigger to go from 1.5 inches to 3 or 4 inches? I have set up a 50g breeder and would like to house one for about 8 months to a year before I get a biiger tank. I know the Niger gets ALOT bigger so I am specifically asking about the Huma. Thanks