trigger fish breathing really fast and hard!


New Member
i have a clown trigger and a huma huma trigger i just added a lionfish 12 hrs ago and the clown trigger and lion fish are breathing fast and hard and not really active at all the clown did not even eat tonight. is this normal?


Originally Posted by quickstep
i have a clown trigger and a huma huma trigger i just added a lionfish 12 hrs ago and the clown trigger and lion fish are breathing fast and hard and not really active at all the clown did not even eat tonight. is this normal?
A trigger not eating...definitely not normal. What are you current water parameters? Did you pour the contents in the bag the lion was in, into your tank?


New Member
i had water tested @ store today and they said the water was perfect! the trigger did take a couple bites but not like he normally does..


Originally Posted by quickstep
i had water tested @ store today and they said the water was perfect! the trigger did take a couple bites but not like he normally does..
How long has your tank been set up? Did your LFS know you have two triggers in the tank, and that one of them is a clown? They are not giving you very good advice if so, and this would make me suspicious of their "perfect" test readings. Triggers and lions are not compatible, and not much of anything is compatible with a clown trigger. Do you have any test kits of your own?


Originally Posted by quickstep
yes the poured bag contents in!
I try to never pour the LFS water into my tanks. Never know for sure what they have in their water.


New Member
no i dont have test lits of my own! and yes they new i had the 2 triggers the clown trigger is actually the dosal one of the 2 triggers the huma huma rules the tank and the clown is bigger! i have had tank running for 3 months now.


Originally Posted by quickstep
no i dont have test lits of my own! and yes they new i had the 2 triggers the clown trigger is actually the dosal one of the 2 triggers the huma huma rules the tank and the clown is bigger! i have had tank running for 3 months now.
I would suggest a new LFS. I would suggest getting your own kits and I would suggest ridding of the clown...given time there will be no contest as to who will run that tank. At the least if you want to keep the clown I would take the lion back, and tell them you want a free fish for such a poor recomendation. The huma stands a little better chance against the clown. Lions are slow movers and those long flowing fins are teasers for the will most likely become a chew toy for them. What size tank do you have these in? I am not trying to come down on you, but I would want someone to put me on the right track. Welcome to the boards


Originally Posted by usirchchris
I would suggest a new LFS. I would suggest getting your own kits and I would suggest ridding of the clown...given time there will be no contest as to who will run that tank. At the least if you want to keep the clown I would take the lion back, and tell them you want a free fish for such a poor recommendation. The huma stands a little better chance against the clown. Lions are slow movers and those long flowing fins are teasers for the will most likely become a chew toy for them. What size tank do you have these in? I am not trying to come down on you, but I would want someone to put me on the right track. Welcome to the boards

+1 on this one, you should always have your own test kit so that you can test your own water. If I was you i would buy a test kit asap.


Originally Posted by quickstep
i have them in a 84 gallon
The huma will work in an 84. The clown will get way too big for that. Clown triggers are are great looking fish, but are not applicable for most tanks. They can get up to 20"s, and as they age, get extremely aggressive. They are best as the lone species in a large tank. At a minimum I would probably have a 180 for it. The lion...if it is a volitan which is far too common in our hobby will also get too big. It gets to be around 15". Beyond size being an eventual problem, you also have to consider the waste they will produce. Two triggers and a lion are going to create ALOT of bio, and filtration will become an issue. If you have a dwarf lion, it would work in that tank, but not with a trigger IMO.


New Member
thank you for the info! i want to make this tank right! i do really like the clown i got it cause on here it says they only get 6 to 7 inches not 20 like u said thats way 2 big for my tank


Originally Posted by quickstep
thank you for the info! i want to make this tank right! i do really like the clown i got it cause on here it says they only get 6 to 7 inches not 20 like u said thats way 2 big for my tank
Common misconseption that should probably be cleared up on this site...the sizes they list on the main fish page are the typical size that they will ship out...not the maximum size, the fish will grow 6-7" that clown is just getting started


sounds like you have ammonia in your water.
if you want to keep saltwater fish then you can't just trust a fish store to tell you your water is "perfect". ..
how much live rock is in your tank?
what sort of filtration do you have.


New Member
i have a fluval 405, and 115 lbs of live rock! the 2 triggers were doing fine till i put the lionfish in. the clown was just shoting across tank flipping out then he just went behind live rock i think he might of passed! kinda sucks!!


Originally Posted by quickstep
i have a fluval 405, and 115 lbs of live rock! the 2 triggers were doing fine till i put the lionfish in. the clown was just shoting across tank flipping out then he just went behind live rock i think he might of passed! kinda sucks!!
That sucks, I am sorry if this is the case. Tank is 3 months long have your triggers been in there? How are the huma and lion doing? Are they breathing hard? If they are I would do a large water change, if not I would guess there is just something wrong with the clown and not a whole lot you can do. You have plenty of live rock, but I would eventually upgrade to a sump or wet/dry filter. Canisters can be tough to maintain as you constantly have to flush out the filter pads...if you don't it will become a nitrate trap. I had a fluval 405 and 404 on a 125 I bought off a guy...changed them out within a month.


New Member
have had triggers for about 2 weeks! the huma huma has not moved and now the lion keeps jumping to the top! i cant see that good since the lights are out now! but something has went very wrong...


Originally Posted by quickstep
have had triggers for about 2 weeks! the huma huma has not moved and now the lion keeps jumping to the top! i cant see that good since the lights are out now! but something has went very wrong...
Yeah, IMO I would do a very large water change. 50% or more...It seems something has made your tank crash...
If all your fish die, I would take them back to your LFS slap them on the counter and make a BIG scene...I'd be getting discounts for years to come...