Trigger Fish Teeth



Originally Posted by johnnyd
do you have to feed triggers hard shells to keep there teeth filed like you do with pufers?
They chew on enough rock and sand I think...monsters
. Mine always have anyway.


Originally Posted by usirchchris
They chew on enough rock and sand I think...monsters
. Mine always have anyway.
im looking into getting a niger, possibly a red tail aka (sargassum). so they bite the liverocks? why?


Originally Posted by johnnyd
im looking into getting a niger, possibly a red tail aka (sargassum). so they bite the liverocks? why?
Cause they're triggers and that's what they do best...bite stuff
. I have a niger that does not do it nearly as much as my picasso, but for my picasso...that is all he does all day long. They like to arrange things to their liking. My rock is too big so it can't move that, but I have sand EVERYWHERE.


Originally Posted by usirchchris
Cause they're triggers and that's what they do best...bite stuff
. I have a niger that does not do it nearly as much as my picasso, but for my picasso...that is all he does all day long. They like to arrange things to their liking. My rock is too big so it can't move that, but I have sand EVERYWHERE.
ok thanks good to know


Originally Posted by usirchchris
Cause they're triggers and that's what they do best...bite stuff
. I have a niger that does not do it nearly as much as my picasso, but for my picasso...that is all he does all day long. They like to arrange things to their liking. My rock is too big so it can't move that, but I have sand EVERYWHERE.
Yeah, they love to bite fingers too! OUCH!


Originally Posted by bioneck47
Yeah, they love to bite fingers too! OUCH!
Yeah my picasso (about 2" or so) got me the other day. Caught my nail so no blood, and it did not hurt but man did I jump
...I have a 8-10" stars and stripes in that tank, and it bites anything that goes in, so I was watching out for him...gettin' dicey in that tank


Originally Posted by johnnyd
which triggers stay the smallest? can any be kept in a 90g long term? Undulate by itself...probably others these two popped into my head first though.
Your sargassum would probably do fine in there as well. I would not put much of anything else fish wise with them maybe one or two depending on size. Putting aggression aside...when they become full grown they will produce alot of bio-waste.
A niger would not work...fairly fast growers, and would become too large for a 90 IMO.


Originally Posted by usirchchris
http:///forum/post/2849877 Undulate by itself...probably others these two popped into my head first though.
Your sargassum would probably do fine in there as well. I would not put much of anything else fish wise with them maybe one or two depending on size. Putting aggression aside...when they become full grown they will produce alot of bio-waste.
A niger would not work...fairly fast growers, and would become too large for a 90 IMO.
im looking into a bluethroat also, but i heard nigersare real slow growers, but they get 1 foot long, so prob a 125 for them i take it


Originally Posted by johnnyd
im looking into a bluethroat also, but i heard nigersare real slow growers, but they get 1 foot long, so prob a 125 for them i take it
Picasso's are very slow growers, but nigers grow quickly. My niger has probably gained an inch or more in the last 6 months, where as my Picasso has probably only grown 1/2" if that in the past year. I would think a blue throat would be fine in a 90.

el guapo

Active Member
Picaso A.k.a The dealer of death, the bringer of pain , The unholy one.
My picaso is a kitty cat next to my niger he is evil .
The humu are slow growing.... The niger's grow fairly fast . I have mine in a 90 and they are both around the 4-5" mark and there is no real aggression issues "YET"
I am sure it wont be long though before they start going at it .

small triggers

Active Member
Yeah my niger is growing almsot 2x faster than everyone else in my tank. My clown, picasso and blue jaw are all about the same size 2.5" long, though my niger now is a little over 4" (all the same size when i got them)


Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Picaso A.k.a The dealer of death, the bringer of pain , The unholy one.
My picaso is a kitty cat next to my niger he is evil .
The humu are slow growing.... The niger's grow fairly fast . I have mine in a 90 and they are both around the 4-5" mark and there is no real aggression issues "YET"
I am sure it wont be long though before they start going at it .
My picasso has always been cranky, but my niger until recently was pretty he is becoming jaded. I have them in seperate tanks...tried to put my niger in with my soon as I did my picasso was right there to rock face. I won't be trying that again.