trigger food?


Basically everything! :) :p They love live foods, but they shouldn't be offered much because live foods, are fatty, can cause liver problems in the future, and may carry disease. But live can be offered time to time for a treat. I use frozen foods, soaked in vitamin enrichers (zoe), which boosts up the fish's immune system. They like (frozen) squid, krill, mysis, brine(like what you stated), mussel, and basically all other saltwater frozen foods. Dry foods can be used, but aren't as nutritous as frozen. Any more questions ask (especially triggerfish questions. ;) )
meaty foods should fill them up. fresh seafoods like shrimps, squid, scallops, octopus,etc....
try to give them a variety..


i just got my niger today. he seems to hide alot more then he did at the store. he looks like just a baby also, very tiny.


They are shy at first but once it feels comfortable in the tank it will be out and about. I would feed it alot of meaty foods, that will help it put on the weight. good Luck


I feed my blue line , clown , and niger trigger krill , squid , micis , and ghost shrimp(live food).


Niger triggerfish, at first seem to be more of the secrative triggerfish. But over a period of time they will slowly get used to there "master", and there environment. When they are used the surroundings, they will be swimming all around, and begging for food. And for food whise, they eat everything. :)


New Member
i am definitely a novice to saltwater. my 55 has a niger and huma (someday mebbe a clown). i have been buying shrimps and scallops from the grocery store and feeding them primarily that lately and they love it. is that cool?


New Member
This may be a stupid question, but does frozen brine need to be melted before feeding. Or is just dropping the frozen cube into to tank OK?