Trigger Got Blind


well i have been seeing that when i feed my trigger that he cant tell were the food is. he swims to it but when he gets close to it he cant see it so i have to put the food in his mouth i have had him for 2 years he is getting thiner what happend to him i dont know is he going to be ok or what should i do


Active Member
It could be a bacterial infection that caused it. That's one of the top causes of blindness in fish.
Try to ascertain whether he is blind in one or both eyes. In either case, he can learn to find food, but of course if it's one eye their depth perception is screwed up, and if it's both, it's a whole new learning curve.
If he's getting thinner, it may be a sign that he's not getting sufficient food. If it continues to get worse, you have to decide whether or not his quality of life is being sufficiently impacted to where he should be euthanized. You could also just let him go, but if it's obvious that he can't eat and that death is inevitable, then euthanasia is the responsible choice.


well i will try too see if its both eyes are blinded also were would this bacterial infection come from the water or food light filter were could it come from.
he swims fine but slow and he sleep a lot to he get in to he rock and stays there


Active Member
It could be present in the system, but something got the fish stressed at some point that made him suseptible.
It could also come from new introductions or live food.