trigger help


I have a 150g tank 5x2x2. My tank is a lee-mar.My tank has been up and running for about a year in january.Im currently thinking about my 2 or 3rd to last fish in my tank.Any suggestions would be awsome
.....My LFS is one of the biggets stores ever is huge with a wide variety of salt and freshwater fish.
Every time i go there i always see an amazing selection of SW fish such as .......crosshatch triggers,sarrgassum triggers,lions,clown triggers,angels and so forth.every time i go there i see a male blue jaw trigger every blue jaw has exquiset color and looks friendly and never sick.and he always has female blue jaw... me and my brother were wondering if it would be a good choice to go with a pair of blue jaws(it would look awsome)...of course i would not just go there with my brother (when he gets home from collage)and have them put the 2 triggers togethers together and watch them for a minute and decide if they would go together .we would examine the 2 triggers for at least an hour before we would make our decion. if they dont get along would just go with a male but if they dont have a male either but if they would have a hawaiian black(also gets in regularly) we would do that but our biggest priority is 2 get a pair of blue jaws.all of your help would be greatly appreciated. our stocking is below
what would you seggest ..and also if we do do a pair of blue jaw we would also try a sohal tang for aggressiveness tworads the queen angel.thanks for your help and avice.
My current stocking is
3 chromis
2 percs(hosting an anenomie)
1 blue cheek goby
1 racoon butterfly
1 orange tail fiji puffer
1 longnose hawkfish
1 leopard wrasse
1 queen angel(king of tank)
quick replys would be greatly arreciated thanks you for your help.


Active Member
I dont know anything about pairing blue jaws, but I do know that triggers tend to be some of the most aggressive fish on the reef, and I would have to say that your butterfly is probably going to be a little bit out of place in such an aggressive tank. Also, because triggers get so large, a pair would probably be to big for your tank. The triggers might also eat your Chromis, Goby, or Percs. I have a Clown Trigger and a Humu Humu in my 220g and I tried to get a large golden head sleeper goby and he didnt make it 10 seconds and he was torn into a thousand pieces. It was a trial to see if I could get something in there that would clean up the sand and it didnt work. I also tried snails, and even a sand sifting star fish but the Triggers just demolish everything I put in there that isnt large. Good luck with whatever you decide!!!


if we do do a pair of blue jaws we will get the male larger than the queen angel mainly(4 to 5") and the female about (3 to 4'')
so will do more research


New Member
My Favorite Trigger Is The Sargassum, Great Personality, Not Aggressive At All, And Won`t Back Down. Had Him In My Reef Tank For A Long Time, Did Not Go After Anything, Till One Day He Dissappeared, Now I Have A Pink Tail (hawaian) In My Fowlr Tank And He Doesn`t Bother Anybody/ And Has Great Color. Those Are My 2 Fav`s, THE BLUE JAW`S ARE KINDA LAME...


Active Member
Hello GNormans brother...Yes, I think the Bluethroats are fantastic as well and would make good additions to most aggressive tanks, not sure how your Goby and Hawkfish are, but triggers do tend to pick on slow moving fish. I would be leary of the Sohal Tang though, IMO a 150 is a little too small for this fish, they get big, are very active, and arguably are the most aggressive Tang there is, I would avoid this fish until you have an 8 foot tank...Just my opinion


thanks krg we are trying to get a tang that is aggressive because most likely our queen will be all over the tang and so we would like a sohal tang beacause it can defend itself against the queen angel but to the goby and hawk thing the goby usually stays right next to its home where it shifts sand and also our hawkfish is very healthy and is very fast we also had a male blue jaw with the hawk and a goby so im am not really thinking about that. but back to the tang thing if not a sohal what would be a pretty and hardy and a tang that can defend itself tworards a queen angel i no that queens are tettoreal but our is very mello so a question what would be a tang that was described above thanks for your help



Active Member
blue jaws are pretty docile and reef safe, but ya never know about those triggers. my blue jaw (male) is very calm...too timid if you ask me. and hes the biggest fish in the tank


Active Member
I think the pair of Bluethroats is a great idea, it is on my wishlist when I start my new aggressive tank shortly....I like Achilles Tangs or Sailfin, Achilles has a reputation of being not hardy, however IMO once established they are very hardy, mine lived 8+ years in a 130 as the undisputed dominant fish of my aggressive tank (which included a Queen Angel for a while), all they really need is good water and good diet.


Active Member
Bluethroats are great triggers. they are a great alternative to their brother the Crosshatch (for 1/4 the price).
Getting a pair is great too. They will keep each other company, but on the flip side, they will also protect each other.
Honestly Fishman/Norman, get what you always wanted. You have wanted a Black Hawaiian for a while, just stick it out and get that fish.
I am not a proponent of getting a fish and then getting bored of it and returning it to the LFS. I believe in keeping the fish through the duration of it's life.
You have limited space and an unlimited fish list. Pick the ones that you really have to have and go with them.
Or you can be like me and have 1000000 tanks!!!!


Active Member
wow, i just saw this thread.....
haha, well thanks everyone for helping my brother and i in advice and experience. were not sure what were going to do yet, i personally would like a hawaiian black, but im up at college and am going on a 2 year mission soon so its basically my brothers tank ( for the time being-
). we really are limited on space, so i would want to go with 1, maybe 2 more fish if we can fit it. so, with that being said, if we go with a hawaiian black, we might be able to fit one more. if we go with a pair of bluejaws, that will be it for the stock list-as we are pretty much maxed out as it is.
again, thanks everyone for your help. i hope my brother and i will make a good decision, and we will let all of u know what we decide when the day finally comes.
Eric n Spencer