trigger id


New Member
is there any difference between the indian trigger and the black durgeon trigger. I ordered a black durgeon trigger but I think hhe sent me a indian trigger. And when I sent pics of both he told me I had the two mixed up. Can anyone settle this disput. Pics wounld help


Active Member
yes pics would help, If you could post some pictures of the fish you recived it would help . It is my understanding they are very similar with the black durgeon actually coming from hawaii . you might get better help with this in the aggresive section too.


Active Member
Actually, the Indian trigger and Durgeon are the same. The Hawaiian black and the durgeon are of the same genus but different species.
The Indian Black (Melichthys indicus) is more brown in color. Its tail is the same as the Pink tail and the clown trigger. Fan like.
The Hawaiian Black (Melichthys Niger) is dark black with Blue streaks in it. From certian angels it looks blue. It has a tail similar to that of the Blueline trigger (half moon).