Trigger in Distress!


In my 55 gallon I have a 5 inch dragon wrasse, 2 inch damsel, and a 2 inch clown trigger (I know, when the trigger grows I will upgrade). Competition for food is a kind of rough because my trigger is slow and not very aggressive; he usually loses out on the krill and has to eat brine. But the fish never actually pick on each other in a violent manner. Lately when I try to feed him krill he takes one bite and the other fish get near him and he freaks. He develops a sporatic swimming pattern almost like a puffer that has been out of water. Then he goes directly to a rock to trigger himself in place and stays there for the rest of the night. Do this sound like stress because of food competition or is it something wrong with my Clown trigger?
Thanks in advance! David


Thanks for the quick reponse Terry B. This is where it gets interesting: I have tried twice to feed the Trigger while the Dragon Wrasse was buried and the Damsel was distracted and the same thing happened. I should also mention that he doesn't have any fast breathing during his bouts. I thought that maybe he was ingesting air while eating at the top of the tank so I tried putting the krill on a stick in the water but the same thing happened again. I guess that he could still be scared though. Any other ideas? Thanks a lot! -David


So i decided to take the large damsel out last night while the trigger was asleep; i hate it because for the time being he has to live in a tiny 10 gallon hospital tank. But i noticed him picking on the Clown Tirgger last night so maybe this will help. Too early to tell right now- so i will get back to you later. Thanks.


OK - took out the Damsel and there is no difference in his swimming. The trig stays locked into place most of the time and when he comes out he swims all funny like i described above. Any ideas????? -Thanks, David