could i put a niger trigger in here i have read that they do ok with some reefs anyone have any experience with these guys
1 yellow tang
2 percula clowns
1 blue damsel
1 lawnmower blenny
1 coral banded shrimp
xenia colonie
hairy mushroom
green star polyp
I have seen this done before.. many people dont consider triggers reef safe at all.. a friend of mine has a Humu Picasso triggerfish in his reef and it has not shown any agression towards the other fish.. the niger triggerfish aka Redtooth trigger... is rather agressive as many triggers are.. IMO if you care about the other fish in your tank... I wouldnt try it.. but that just my 2 cents..
I would be worried about your corals/plants, etc. There is only one triggerfish that is considered reef safe, have a look at the trigger section of this website.
sargassums are also reef safe, but not as safe as the bluejaws. also, murph45 has a Hawaiian pink tail trigger in his reef. i dont think he has had any issues with it