Trigger Lionfish Combo

So I am going to be setting up a 210-250 gallon saltwater setup. An aggresive tank. I really want a Blue Line Trigger (Pseudobalistes fuscus). I was wondering if anyone has had such a trigger in a tank with a Lion Fish, and if so what the out come was? I really love the look of this trigger, and I really like the look of the LionFish, so if anybody could put forth some input I would be greatly appreciative.


Active Member
The blue line trigger is pretty vicious, so I would strongly recommend against it. If anything, go with the blue jaw trigger if you want a trigger and a lion.
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
The blue line trigger is pretty vicious, so I would strongly recommend against it. If anything, go with the blue jaw trigger if you want a trigger and a lion.
What about a Clown Trigger/Lionfish combo?


Active Member
clown triggers are pretty crazy too, although like most fish it really depends on the fish's personallity, but they say only one clown per tank, try to match tankmates that are similairly aggressive and about the same size..


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaddestHatter
What about a Clown Trigger/Lionfish combo?
CT's are just as nasty, grow very large and in many cases can't be kept with other fish. As stated look at a blue jaw for a relatively peaceful trigger. Other choices would be a crosshatch (expensive) or sargassum (not often available.) Lions are no match for fish like triggers who can strip their fins and kill them.


Active Member
unfortunatly you will notice in the agressive world all the best fish to keep cannot be kept together which stinks, but its part of the hobby. you just have to find the fish you really want and then find tankmates for him that are compatable..
which IMHO isnt always easy to do


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
unfortunatly you will notice in the agressive world all the best fish to keep cannot be kept together which stinks, but its part of the hobby. you just have to find the fish you really want and then find tankmates for him that are compatable..
which IMHO isnt always easy to do
I totally agree.
You are not going to find many triggers that can be housed with a lionfish.
Thank you guys, I am slowly realizing maybe I should start off with a smaller tank, with one dominant of my choices and work around that fish, then eventually a bigger tank with my second dominant choice and work around that fish. Could anyone suggest what genus is good with a Blue Line Trigger? I know I was told a Frogfish would not do good in a 210-250 gallon...but what about in a 125...and if it did good in such size, would it be okay with a Blue line trigger in there as well? what mates would go well with such a fish, I like angels, tangs, butterflys, wrasses and others.


Active Member
any frogfish should be kept in a species only tank thats about 20- 30 gallons.. you can however put them with larger more peacefull fsh so that they dont eat them.. they arent the easiest fish to keep and require alot to keep them eating and healthy.. AW2 on here i know has kept some frogs before so hopefully he can chime in.
in a short it wouldnt be smart to put a frogfish with any trigger at all
1. if the trigger is small enough it will be eaten
2. if not it will pick on the frogfish
if you really want to get frogs iw ould get a guide and care book on frogfish and set up a 30 gallon species tank for them only. Also they need cover to kind of match their color to feel extra safe, although they will blend no matter the forum on here and you will come up with some feeding videos of some frogs i rmemeber seeing, i think they are Aw2's


pink tails are also a possiblity
with my first pink tail you had to keep him full so he dont try the fins of a lion
if he went to long without food then you found out the real problem