trigger losing color


i have a clown trigger that ive had for about 4 months,it seems like his colors are getting duller over time,i feed him silversides,shrimp,krill,clams,and whatever else hits the tank(even my finger once)ive recently added a yellow tang and discovered he loves seaweed and formula 1.if i put a mirror up to the tank he will darken up within a few minutes and stay that way for about an hour then he lightens up again any ideas or suggestions would be great. thanks in advance


He is in a 125 other tankmates are a dogface puffer,lion,yellow tang,panther grouper(he is leaving very soon)


Active Member
I'm not sure then because he's in a pretty big tank, usually when they lose color its because there stressed out.


The same thing happened to mine when I treated my tank with copper sulfate. I didn't overdose, but for some reason he started losing his color. Then, next day he died. I think juvenile clown triggers are not very hardy compared to adults. Hopefully it's nothing serious. Did you medicate your tank by any chance?


My Triggers eat that seaweed stuff too. Two of them love to pull it off the clip and spit all over the tank. Pisses me off.


last night he took the seaweed clip out of my hand and shook it up like a dog couldnt belive it ,no i have not medicated the tank


My Queen picks up whatever she can and moves it. She pulled the piece from my sump release and each time I put it back she went and removed it. I finally left it off and called her a few choice names. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Flatzboy, yer always asking wat size tank. Just check under tank size under their avatar. If it aint there, or there are more than 1, THEN ask. Also, could u please post a pic of the trigger?