Trigger / Puffer - Help!


I ran across a deal today that I could not pass up. I normally keep a reef tank with corals and such and have never had an agressive FO setup. The guy had a 15 gallon tank, pc lights, filters, heater etc, and a 1 1/2" Blueline Trigger for $100. I know the tank is not that big, but with just the fish would I be able to keep the trigger and maybe a star & stripes puffer for 6 months or so until they got bigger? Will they do ok? Are they going to try and kill each other?
Normally I don't do this, but the deal for the tank and everything was just to good. The fish alone is worth about $60.
[ August 25, 2001: Message edited by: andymi ]


LionFish says.......
Well, this could be trouble. You did get a good deal. However, that trigger got a bad deal. It is not even possible to keep a trigger in that small of a tank and you definitely can't have anymore fish with it. I think you need to go out a get a 75 gallon or more tank as soon as you can and put that poor little trigger in there. That just isn't right to keep such a large and active fish in such an incredibly small tank. Glad to see you asked at least instead of just keeping him in there. You had better do something before 6 months because that trigger could easily jump out of that tank or die from too small of a tank. GET A BIGGER TANK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Nuff said.
I totally agree with Lionfish I asked about putting one in my 37-gallon before i decided to turn it into a marine tank and he gave me the heads up on how big they get and what size tank they need. He is very knowledgeable and I would listen to him if I were you.


Active Member
All I can say is use the fish and equipement and get a bigger tank. Save the 15 for a emergency tank for smaller fish. I have a 15 and I like it but only put one or two baby fish in it till they grow and can be moved. It is a very stable tank for me but way to small for most uses.


Thanks for the info. The trigger is small, he is not very big, I have seen much much much bigger of this species. I will do what I can to get another tank as soon as I can. Unfortunately my current 70 gallon takes up most of my money now. But it may come down to just getting a 55 or something with a metal stand in a couple months when I get the cash.
How do these fish survive in fish shops in 10 gallon tanks? I saw one in about 2 gallons of water, and this one was in a 10 gallon with about 8 other Huma (sp?) Triggers that were also small.


Well thanks for all the help, the old Amex card came through again. I went and bought a 150 gallon today for an FO tank. Sheesh, I had like $200 in my checkbook, I feel like i am hooked on crack :)


Active Member
andymi; Look at this way you are being a good american spending money at this time. After all they say more money spent will help the economy get better and you are doing your part lol. Welcome to the hobby of the rich as I call it.