trigger/ shark strange behavior of the trigger


we have a juvenile trigger in the 135 w/ a shark egg getting ready to hatch soon from the looks of it; it appears that the egg is becoming more & more transparent; does the bamboo cat shark secrete an enzyme to soften it's egg & if so would that enzyme be detected by the niger trigger in the water column causing the trigger to hide more & not even come out at feeding time?
we have not changed/adding anything new to the tank; water params test good; lighting & feeding remain same; trigger has been in the tank for few months now & did not used to behave in this manor until recently when the shark egg was more transparent...
come to think of it, we did recently add about 20 lbs of LR that may have still had some die off even after recuring them that possibly the trigger munched on sense it sometimes munches on the the rock almost as much as the lawnmower blenny does; now the blenny & the trigger appear to be acting weird by hiding more & motor skills seem to be off as well


actually some people have luck w/ the combination; simply be a wait & see kind of thing; could also be a matter of simply keeping it fed; there are already snails, crabs, & shrimps that it does not distub at all; at some point there will be a larger tank for both
they will be compatible for a while. a juvenile trigger wouldnt even know what to do..but when they get bigger they get aggressive and hungry and pick at the sharks fins