Well, I don't hold him, I curl my fingers and he comes in (like rock or cave) he does like me to touch him and yes, he does occasionally kinda nip at me but its that "clicking" thing they do. It doesn't hurt. Don't know that I'd be as willing if he were full grown. Had an adult for years, very sweet, never had any problems. I read they can devope bladder problems. Was told by an espert that can happen when they surface eat, (get air) When my husband was feeding him last week he said he did that, and when I try to hand feed he will go to the top but I try to keep him down. The live food is a great idea, I'll look into that, (I'm out in Po-dunk so I'll look online) My supplier doesn't have experience with Triggers so I'll call where I got this guy from. Good idea too! Thanks for all your help guys.