Trigger tankmate for crosshatch?


I have a 5-foot Oceanic 110 gallon, and currently in it is a 9" crosshatch trigger.
What other triggers would I be able to put in there? I know the crosshatch is one of the more docile triggers, so I'm thinking maybe a blue throat. I'd ideally like to put 2 more 9" triggers in there, but am not sure if that would be pushing it a bit. I'd like to put a blue throat and a black or a blue throat and a pink tail.
Does anyone have opinions on this, or general experience with crosshatch triggers?
Thanks in advance.


Other planktonic feeding triggers will work fine w/ a crosshatch. Blue cheek, pink tail, sargassum, niger. Crosshatches are gorgeous trigger but total babies when it comes to aggressivness. While they do beef its not like a killing spree like i've seen w/ undulates.
Get the other trigger smaller and let them grow. AS long as you have sufficent hidey holes and caves for each trigger to hangout in, the skimishes shouldn't be too bad.


Is this crosshatch the one you showed us in the pictures? If so, you don't have a crosshatch, you have a pineapple. If you have a crosshatch, I would reccommend other docile triggers instead of gewtting the other mean triggers that would bullie your crosshatch (ex: Blue Line, Blue Dot, Queen, Titan, Undulated, etc.). The smaller, more docile triggers (ex: Sargassum, male/female blue jaw, Nigers, Halfmoon, Pink Tail, White tip, I know of many others, wanna know more kind ones ask me. In a 110, you may see some aggression from the two, but since they are more docile, it should work. But if you have a pineapple, that would be the only trigger in there, yet the only fish, they are almost the same thing as titans, almost as big, almost same aggression, and almost same looks. If you do have a crosshatch, man that must of been a lot of money for him. Good Luck!


Oops! Sorry didn't know you returned the pineapple for a crosshatch. Males I like better than females, mostly because of there bright red tails.... Can't wait till we see pics of him!


He's still pretty shy, so I'll try and snap some pics of him tonight or this weekend.
Also, I'll probably get a blue jaw/blue throat to go with him. The distributor has an xlg on the list this week, so I'll call and see how big it is. If it's around 8", I'll get it.