trigger twiching in QT?


i started lowering salinity to QT my new assassi trigger. went from 1.027 to 1.024. i noticed he started twicthing a lil. 24 hours later at 1.024 still it seams like he twiching still but slightly and not as often.
does this have naything to do with lowering the salinty?
he acts fine and looks fine just twicthes.
maybe this is somewhat normal for triggers? i dunno
what i will do is lower salinty very slowly for this trig.
any other comments or suggestions???
my QT is 20 gal and he is 3 inches


Active Member

Originally posted by Terry B
Twitching can be caused by using raw (water that has not been mixed and aerated 24+ hours) saltwater.

But if he's trying to do hypo in qt and lowering salinity, shouldn't he be using raw unmixed water?


the trig has been in QT for over 24 hours now.
it doesnt seem like he has ich though.
im looing athim now and he has gone back to intense twitching
he did it like 5 times in a row. my qt was set up for months and is cycled.
my ammonia may be slightly above norm but i dont think thats it either.
I am not aware of Gill Flukes either?
right now my water is at 1.021, it is ok to contimue to drop the salinty for hypo under these circumstances?


Active Member
I think you should continue to drop the salinity. Twitching can mean he is irritated with either what Terry B said or ick. It may not be so noticeable in it's early stages. Is he eating and swimming normal OTHER THAN the twitching?


twitching started yesterday when ph was normal at 8.2
i just checkjed now and ph is at 7.8-- im using buffers now..
my ammonia is at 0.50??
readings go 0-0.25-0.50-1-2-4-8


thanks terry B,
i will continue to drop the salinty and monitor my trigger.
once under hypo for a couple days ill post agian with results.
Gill flukes and amyloodinium sound serious...


ok i started hypo at 1.009 today. 5 days since i put my trigger in the 20 gal QT. i noticed slight twicthing today. the twitching kinda is like a quick seizure almost. At times my trigger seems to be irritated by something by just moving around soo much, like in one small area he moves up and down and around, like he wont sit still. he looks fine though, no white spots, nice colors, etc. can low Ph or somewhat ammonia levels cause this?
give me a week in hypo and ill report results...