trigger wont eat..


New Member
i have a niger trigger which is about a year old.. he is usually the hungriest out of all my fish.. for the past couple of days he has been staying in the rocks and just swimming in one place..not even comming out to eat. Now he swims slowly around the tank and looks very weak..he bumps into things and still wont eat. Doest even seem to have the strength to swim away or hide when i moved a couple of rocks in the tank. All the other fish seem normal except for him.. can anyone give me suggestions on what the problem could be? Please help.. :help:


Active Member
Well you made this thread twice, but that is besides the point. Does he appear to have any sort of disease on him? And are all your water paramaters at what they should be? My lionfish once didn't eat for two days, I waited it out and he ate again and is doing great. Another time he didn't eat for 7 days straight!! I thought he was a gonner, but 8th day he stuffed his face and ate every day after! Maybe hes binge eating or something.. lol


New Member
when ur lionfish didnt eat for 7 days did he seem very weak when swimming. my trigger seems weak in his swimming. he looks like se struggles and keeps floating to the top. he looks healthy bodywise.. no marks or spots that would indicate some disease.. and all the other fish are fine. :needhelp:


Active Member
ya he did appear somewhat weak, and then every now and then he would sprint across the tank. Usually this is a sign that he has a disease or that hes dying, but thankfully mine recovered. He didn't really appear to struggle, instead of moving, he basically just sat on a rock.