

New Member
i was just wondering if i could put a trigger in my tank i have tangs and some damsels would he beat up on them?


In a 46 it would have to be as a temorary only as all would eventually outgrow it, but then again so will your tangs.
When tangs outgrow a hobbyists system it's usually no biggy as many to most LFS will take them back in trade if healthy.
Triggerfish can be another thing altogether with larger specimens of some species almost impossible to sell in many local areas, leaving you stuck with it unless you find someone willing to take it later before you make the purchase.
On the other hand, some damsels are aggressive enough to kill small new introductions with many people ending up wishing they'd never bought them to cycle the tank in the forst place.
My fish of choice for cycling a tank is mollies, far better and tougher (condition-wise) than damsels.


That's a drop dead goreous fish, congrats!
Unfortunately, like the Clowns, when they grow up there's not much that can live with them.
I've known SCUBA divers with chunks bitten out of their ears or fingers from thinking the "cute lil' fishie" swimming up to them wanted to be petted.....there's not much they're afraid of and apparently they either guard eggs or terrotories, maybe both!
Hey....the chunk is only about nickel sized (and deep!)


Thanks! I know they get nasty. The LFS I got it from had a huge one that was about 13" round that would attack the glass, if you put you hand on it. It was in a tank all ALONE. It killed all the mates. I feed them all rather well. Hopefully it does not find the need to kill the others. I have 3 other totally non-aggressive Triggers in there and one semi-aggressive in there with that Queen.


The best you can hope for is "for now".
When it reaches what it feels is aduthood I can almost guarantee that it will go to war, so you might want to be prepared, just in case.


The awsome Queen...... The only thing that comes to my mind when I see one of those beuitiful fish is...... The wolf amung sheep..... in other words every thing else is eventualy as good as dead.
But on a lighter note they are awsome fish.


You bet.
My friends think I'm crazy because my lionfish like to be petted.
They fold down the top fin and roll on their side for me....probably think I'm one huge cleaner shrimp!:D


what kind of trigger do you want i got a hummu hummu and a convict tang and they hang out all the time and swim together all though they are the only fish i keep in there but never no fights or anything like that