trigger ?

j carter

I'm wanting to buy a trigger fish my local store has a 4 inch niger & a clown trigger I would like to have the clown but some say the are very mean etc I have 2 med lions and in the future I want a harlequin tusk (my favorite fish) what one would you guys buy Thanks Jason
also will a marine betta comet be ok with a trigger there are lots of places to hide in my tank?
Clown triggers are nasty ! But If you want to add a marine beta I would forget the trigger completely. A trigger just may cause problems in the long run for you. Even a passive trigger like a niger could still nip at the lions fins and I would be wary about mixing a beta with one.
I have a humu humu that is very sweet. He don't even mess with the baby damsels. Ive had him for about 3months now and he has become one of my favorite fish.


New Member
I have a small niger who shared the tank with a dwarf lion and clown. The niger I have is peaceful and hasn't bothered either. He spends most of the time hiding. He's kinda a chicken s#*t, but I really like him.

j carter

Can I have 2 triggers the niger & the clown both would be about 4 inch should I put the niger in first? I have lots of rock they can hide or should I just have 1 clown I have heard they may fight real bad the clown is a bad boy....
thanks again Jason Carter


Oh my Huma Huma is the coolest fish. He is in with a Perc and a yellow tank. He hasn't messed with any of them. He's a good fish, but if you have a snadbed, he will make a mess!!

j carter

Friday I got an Assasi red sea trigger 3 1/2 inch eating good he never stops chopming on the live rock. I bought a clown trigger from A buddie he is in the 40 gal cure tank I hope they will get along Triggers are very cool...