Triggerfish Help!


Active Member
I just got a Picasso Triggerfish yesterday from my lfs, and he seems to be doing fine, but he hasn't eaten anything yet. I was wondering if this is normal, or if there is something I could try. The water tests fine and he seems to act normal other than not eating. He does hide in the rock during the day, but will come out and swim for five minutes, and then he goes back and hides again. All I have in there with him is a lawnmower blenny, and two damsels I need to take out, but can't catch. Help me please!!!!!


just give him time. what are you trying to feed him.? what size tank. unless he is still very small the 29 is not going to house a happy trigger. try some krill and squid. just give it time.


mine ate the next day try some garlic juice and sit in front of the tank mine was very shy at first till he got used to me coming in the room


My picasso loved ghost shrimp and live brine. Sometimes live foods are best at first until they get used to their surroundings. He will be shy at first and watch out if you have any inverts in the tank.