

New Member
I have been seeking info. or trigger for a while now, so I've decided to make a step forward.
The 75G tank you see in my profile is actuly not in my possesion at this time. But it might be in near future. So, the triggers I am intrested in are:
Bursa Triggerfish
Humu Picasso Triggerfish
Pinktail Triggerfish
Humu Rectangle Triggerfish
Blue Throat Triggerfish
Niger Triggerfish
Any of these will be kept with a snowflake eel, and I've heard they're all compatable. In a 75G I figured I can have 3, as long as I keep an eye on them for the first couple of months. I really only want a trigger that grows 9 inches or less, because I dont like the look of a small tank with large fish.


I'm not sure if I would suggest housing 3 triggers together. Even in a 75G, they will get big! Maybe if you are doing triggers only with an eel it would be ok. Not really sure.
Regardless, I think a Niger should be one of them. They are incredible fish!! I am planning to acquire a Humu Picasso as well as my Niger. I am also a very big fan of the Blue Throat triggers. I have heard they can be a bit more tame, similar to the Niger.


New Member
If a Niger will fit in a 75 gallon that would be the trigger I would recommend-cool and friendly fish.

the reef

I have a 80 gallon trigger tank i have two humma triggers one small about 3 inches and the other is 7 inches two

triggers one 6 inches and the other 8 inches and one clown trigger that is about 5 inches and one spotted puffer all in the 80 gallon tank key to keeping them alive is low phosphate and low nirtate
the bussla, humma, and rectangular are very agreesive so whith these three the sucesful way to get the to get along in such a small tank is to put a smaller one in for sevral months before you put another one in
they are verry teritoral and adding the same size triggers and bigger triggers first will have unwanted results i fist added two humma triggers the same size and one killed the other then hade a big one first and then added a smaller triangular trigger and the big humma killed the triangular then i finly took out the big humma for several months while i put the small humma in then put the big humma back in the tank and they get along just fine


I have humu humu and a star trigger in a far no problems with them..the star is still a baby though..he is really cool looks like a raccoon with his mask, and the texture of his skin is really weird...Looks like the little guy is covered in huge icks ..kinda... I understand they get very big very fast though, so I will either be taking him back or upgrading again sometime..