triggers and lionfish


New Member
I have a 33 gallon tank that i just got, nothing in it yet, and i would like to put a small huma huma trigger and a dwarf zebra lionfish in it. i will be getting a bigger tank in the next few years, once i move out and get my own place (i'm only 16). would i be able to do this???
thanx for the help


hello. most people would advise against buying fish that will outgrow their tank unless you have definate plans to upgrade. huma humas are great fish, but i wouldnt keep one with any type of lionfish. more than a few people on the board have experienced problems with mixing the two. If you are set on this being a long term hobbie, and you definatly have the means of upgrading, try a huma huma and a snowflake eel. they will both take a great deal of time to grow, and will get along well with eachother. good luck =john=
that tank is too small for both of the fish you want even if both are small. try to get a bigger tank or look toward getting smaller agressive fish.