triggers are messy eaters?


I'm getting my new 110gl tank ready for a Clown And picasso. what does messy eaters mean;
thay eat alot and make alot?
or leave half of it laying on the sand to rot?
i'm puting in 1800gph pump and Berlin Turbo Skimmer will that do the job


Active Member
good advice and answers, the only thing i have is do you intend to have both in that tank, if so, then i would look at maybe one of the 2(clowns alone should be in a 100 gallon tank or larger, tehy get very big and swim alot and make humongous messes)


Active Member
A 110 is a tad on the small size for a clown, but on to your question. I have a picasso trigger, around 6" in lenght. He has a very annoying habit of getting food (freeze dried krill especially), chewing it up for a while, and then spitting it back out. He'll do this process several times, and it gets food all over the place. I always get my net out after feeding and try to scoop up as many of the excess pieces as possible. Mine also creates a lot of waste (nothing like my soapfish though), so thats another thing to think about. One thing that is kind of cool is my picasso has learned to spit some of the uneaten food onto the intake tube where it will hold it and he'll eat it at a later time. Bo


First of all thanks for all the information from the three great shark’s
Now I’m afraid to get the triggers I don’t want a mess in my living room. Maybe If I feed them less they’ll have to eat up or go hungry.
If you don’t like the Berlin turbo which one is better? I always thought the Berlin is the best?

fish boy

get a hot magunum filter along with your regular filter because it has a special siphion you hook it up to and the water gose into the filter instead of out of the tank and after you vacum up everthing you just emptey out the filter and wait until the next feeding to turn it on and it works i had two porcupine puffers in a 60gal and they made the bigest mess but after a minute or to you can easily clean it up