triggers in a tank


Active Member
I just started an aggressive tank could i put a hummu hummu, niger, & clown trigger in with a dogfaced puffer in a 95 gall


IMO: Stay away from the clown... He needs at least a 135-150 gallon tank. Not to mention he's a very aggressive trigger. The Niger & Huma would do OK together. a Blue Jaw would work out good he's pretty passive.


Did you say had? You can live in a closet. But does that mean your living well? It's kindda like putting 3 thugs in a small jail cell. Eventually, someone is getting a whoop'n.
The huma, niger & blue jaw are not as aggressive so space is not to much an issue. A clown can get pretty darn nasty when he matures. But, as a juvenile it's not so apparent.


I think that would be the better move. IMO I think your fish will be much more happier in the long run. I have a Niger & Huma in a large system and even as much as I like the clown trigger I wouldn't put one in there cause I know eventually he would go off on the less aggressive fish and stress them out. My Niger and Huma have been together for about 3 years and do just fine with all the tankmates. The only time I run into any trouble is during feeding time. A real frenzy can get started and usually my large puffer ends up with a bite or two by the Huma. After a day or two it usually heals up. But, I couldn't imagine what a clown would do during a feeding frenzy.


i had a 6 inch undulatus 6 inch clown and 8 inch queen in a 110 for over 3 yrs, then we had a bad storm here on the coast of jersey about 3 yrs ago, no power for 5 days, it wiped everything out.


Sorry about your loss, That must of hurt. I'm all to familier with a power failure... Three of the meanest triggers and you had them all in one small 110 gallon tank. What you had there was a grenade. LOL
Sometimes people get lucky. I tried to mix a Tusk and a Lunar wrasse. Once the Lunar got big enough he killed the Tusk. go figure that tusk had huge teeth.
A grown Queen need nothing less then a 200. They can get to 23".
My LFS has a 17" Queen in a 200. Nothing could survive in there but the Queen. It eats live 3" crayfish, about 10 a day and can devor one in about 2 seconds. It's the tank of death.


I alwasy kept them well fed, on big silvercides, and grill, they would hardly ever fight, the queen was nasty though, i got bit once while moving around rocks and he alwasy used to attack the net and the heater skimmer ect , the orginal plan was to just get the queen and a minatus grouper , but my LFS found a red sea show undjulated it had bright orange dots on the face, instead of the lines, so i had to get it. The clown trigger my frined had, but was harrasing all his other fish, so i took him in. It was expensive though to keep them fed, and constant water changed where a must, even with the skimmer and 2 ehiem filters, they were just nasty eaters.


Undulatus, Queen and a Clown, damn. All you needed was a RS Titan and you would have officially had satan's home aquarium.


Active Member
i will not get the niger i will just stick with the hummu and dogfaced. how does a yellow tang and purple tang sound too ?


Not good to mix two of the same genus of tangs. Bot are zebrasomas. Get the puple tang, it bore billegerent than the yellow.