

it depends on what you want to put in with them. i have a niger and he is awesome. hes the main piece in my tank. he's with a fuzzy dwarf and a couple of damsels.


I personally LOVE Triggers and it has been said that anyone who wants a fish that acts like a dog should own a Trigger. They are very active and get very big, so need to be housed in ATLEAST a 125 gallon tank for long term. They are aggressive and should be kept with like fish (i.e. big and able to stand their ground). They are also voracious eaters and need to be fed a lot, the amount I am sure varied between aquarist, but the MArine FIshes book I live by suggested 3 times a day. Because of this heavy feeding , which keeps aggression down, the need good filtration to clean up their meaty mess. They also will eat any snails, crabs, starfish or urchin you put in the tank (with the noted exeption of cleaner shrimp). They are nice because they can be housed with other triggers and there are many beautiful types to chose from.
I have a 5" Humu Trigger in a 90-gallon tall tank with a 10" Lunare Wrasse, 7" Passer Angel, 5 blue damsels and a temporary Sharpnose puffer. I have an overflow into a 20-gallon sump with filter media and LS to help with nitrates and a EuroReef E6-1 skimmer. I stock the tank once a month with 9 Scarlet hermits, 3 Turbo snails, 3 Atrea snails and starfish or urchins if necessary. I find that not only do they serve a hunting practice and LIVE food for the boys the wear there teeth down on, but they help clean up the meaty messes the fish make of their food. I feed twice a day from a variety of foods like shrimp, squid, clam, silversides, beef heart, plankton, mysis, trigger/angel formula, and supplement seaweed once a week. I NEVER have nitrates. I does once a week with Calcium, Iodine and Marine C. I run one coralife 50/50 bulb and have 100#'s LS and 130#'s LR (trigger need rock to sleep in and dive into when scared). I keep a good current with 3 MaxiJet 1200 powerheads in addition to the two returns from the sump. I will be moving the fish to a 150-gallon in a couple months for more space.
I love the trigger. He begs and is very inquisitive about people watching the tank. He is the LEAST aggressive of all the fish in there (of course more so than the temp. puffer).