What triggers can generaly be kept together?
chrisnym Member Sep 29, 2005 #3 I have kept mine with Groupers, Eels, Lunare Wrasse. Large Angels, Tangs,
bailiwick New Member Sep 29, 2005 #4 My brother has a clown trigger and a sargassmo. The clown is a little bigger than the sargassmo. No problems. He has had success with niger and others. He does things many people can't so no guarantees involved with this response.
My brother has a clown trigger and a sargassmo. The clown is a little bigger than the sargassmo. No problems. He has had success with niger and others. He does things many people can't so no guarantees involved with this response.
adamc1303 Active Member Sep 29, 2005 #5 I have a 5 inch Humu Humu I wan tot get a clown like 3 to 4 iches big. What do you people think?
jtoz116 Member Sep 29, 2005 #6 personally, i like the blue throat trigger.they aren't aggresive at all when compared to a clown, or huma trigger.
personally, i like the blue throat trigger.they aren't aggresive at all when compared to a clown, or huma trigger.
P pcpope Guest Sep 29, 2005 #8 Huma's and Nigers are among the least agressive and should do well together. Clowns are most agressive and like to pick at eyes of other fish.
Huma's and Nigers are among the least agressive and should do well together. Clowns are most agressive and like to pick at eyes of other fish.
carshark Active Member Sep 29, 2005 #9 not in your tank adam.. 90 gallons isnt near big enough for a clown...