

Are there any triggers that would be ok if i bought them small in a 24 gallon reef tank or some sort of small tang i would be replacing once it gets to big though.
Originally Posted by AndersH
Are there any triggers that would be ok if i bought them small in a 24 gallon reef tank or some sort of small tang i would be replacing once it gets to big though.
I wouldn't suggest it, and I would suggest not buying something that will outgrow your tank that you will just readily get rid of. id suggest buying a fish that will stay in your tank and remain in your tank.


Flame hawks would work nicely in a 24. I had a falco and he was my favorite alltime fish. Just remember no inverts.


o that would be a problem because i have 5 turbo snails 5 hermits 1 blue 1 red 1 cleaner shrimp and 2 pepermint shrimp, to bad thought i think they are the coolest fish because of there personality. I was just at the LFS this weekend and saw one in a 200gallon reef and the just jump from rock to rock looking at everything. But is there and type of cool fish or invert i could add i have 1 royal gramma 1 maroon clown 2 chromis and 3 tiny yellow fish no one knows what they are and i plan to get a pistol shrimp and some small goby to go along with him


i have a video you can look at the fish im talking about are these little yeloow almost damsel looking


A flame hawk might be okay with inverts. i have one in my 30 with some hermits and i put the hermits in after i put in my flame hawk. But that is just mine though. don't know about shrimp though. :notsure:

fish addict

I had one with a Fire shrimp and he didn't bother it. The shrimp was pretty big though. So I guess it would depend on the size ofthe shrimp and the particular fish.