

eric b 125

depends on the trigger. blue jaws and pink tails are pretty laid back for triggers. i've seen humu triggers with tangs, groupers, and eels. my buddy has a hawaiian black trigger with a tesselata eel and a miniatus grouper. clown triggers can be pretty aggressive and undulated triggers are pretty vicious.


Niger Triggers are as passive as a trigger can be also. My dad has one in his 300gal. with a few dwarf angels, gobies, and a hawkfish among others. He is only about 4 inches but has done fine with smaller fish.


I've successfully kept a rect. trigger with a fiji puffer, a flamehawk, and a saddleback clown for years. Just be sure to add the trigger last. :)

eric b 125

i'm guessing that you are concerned with keeping a trigger in a reef, considering you posted this in the reef tank forum. to this end, everything i've read suggests that if you're going to keep a trigger in a reef your best bet would be a pink tail or blue jaw.


I've got a pair of crosshatches (7-8") in a 280g reef. The have been ok with shrimp, and small fish for over a year now. The only problem I have with them is they are food hogs and every once in a while they run into and break some sps corals. They have been great fish but I can't say I would add triggers to a reef again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kylev http:///t/389338/triggers#post_3441598
I've got a pair of crosshatches (7-8") in a 280g reef. The have been ok with shrimp, and small fish for over a year now. The only problem I have with them is they are food hogs and every once in a while they run into and break some sps corals. They have been great fish but I can't say I would add triggers to a reef again.
Agree on the Crosshatches being fine!!!!!


I currently have a Humu Humu Trigger fish in my 120g reef with zero problems. I also had a niger trigger which committed suicide not to long ago but had zero issues with him also. I have the humu humu with the following fish/invertibrates:

  • Yellow Tang

  • Scopas Tang

  • Valamingi Tang

  • 6 Chromis

  • 2 Clown

  • Flame Angel
    Lawnmower Blenny
    Yellow tail damsel
    1 cleaner shrimp
    1 fire shrimp
    snails/hermit crabs
I also have all different types of corals which he hasnt touched at all. I think the key is to never let him get hungry!


There's lots of fish you can have with them, but still alot you can't...